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Our Aims

At Abbey Meads Community Primary School, R.E. is an essential subject that encourages pupils to explore their own beliefs (whether religious or non-religious) and the beliefs of others.  It allows pupils to reflect upon the world around them, where they can develop an understanding of the principal religions and discuss fundamental topics, such as the issues of right and wrong, and life itself.

By examining different beliefs and traditions, this enables pupils to have a better understanding and respect for their own communities.  As well as them gaining knowledge about the fascinating societies in which they exist, it also promotes self-reflection and a spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of themselves.

The Scheme of Work

At our school, we follow the ‘Swindon Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2022-2027’.

Our teaching of R.E. takes on a range of forms, from drama and art-based work, to analysing

different artefacts and discussing the messages behind significant stories. Click HERE to view.

In the Classroom

Reception pupils learning about the Christmas Nativity Story and then rehearsing

their performance, ready for the other classes and parents to see and enjoy.





Year 3 celebrating the Hindu festival of lights – Diwali,

by understanding the significance of the celebration and creating their own lamps.





Year 5 discussing and comparing the role of places of worship to different

religious groups, along with the community, as a whole.


Collective Worship

Everyday, there is the opportunity for pupils and staff to come together, as a whole school community, in key stages or in their own classrooms.  The shared activity allows the pupils to reflect upon and respond to different stimuli.  Collective worship can enable pupils to gain a deeper understanding of different religions and the various perspectives of the world around them.  The pupils can experience different forms of music and stories, as well as give thanks and celebrate the pupils and people in their own communities.  This time allows them to think about others.

Useful Websites

KS1 Religious Education - England - BBC Bitesize

Religious Studies KS1: Religions of the World - BBC Teach

KS2 Religious Education - BBC Bitesize

KS2 Religious Studies - BBC Teach

TheSchoolRun - Religious Education

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